AWS Certification

AWS Certification 使用業界認可的憑證,驗證雲端專業知識,以協助學員建立可信度和信心,並幫助組織識別技術純熟的專業人員,以使用 AWS 領導雲端計畫。

我們提供角色認證,以驗證 Cloud Practitioner、架構師、開發人員及維運人員的專業知識,並透過專家級認證,驗證特定領域的進階技能。查看 學習路徑,探索培訓課程,以協助您培養技能及準備 AWS Certification。

可用的 AWS Certification

Available AWS Certifications


Knowledge-based certification for foundational understanding of AWS Cloud. No prior experience needed.

  • AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Foundational


Role-based certifications that validate advanced skills and knowledge required to design secure, optimized, and modernized applications and to automate processes on AWS. 2 years of prior AWS Cloud experience recommended.

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional
  • AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Professional


Role-based certifications that showcase your knowledge and skills on AWS and build your credibility as an AWS Cloud professional. Prior cloud and/or strong on-premises IT experience recommended.

  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate
  • AWS Certified Developer Associate
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate
  • AWS Certified Data Engineer Associate


Dive deeper and position yourself as a trusted advisor to your stakeholders and/or customers in these strategic areas. Refer to the exam guides on the exam pages for recommended experience.

  • AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty
  • AWS Certified Database Specialty
  • AWS Certified SAP on AWS Specialty
  • AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty
  • AWS Certified Security Specialty
  • AWS Certified Data Analytics Specialty


問:哪項 AWS Certification 適合我?
答:準備認證考試最好的方法就是擁有實際操作經驗。建議您有六個月到兩年的 AWS 實作經驗,我們也提供培訓和教材以協助您準備考試。

查看 AWS Certification 準備頁面,以獲取建議的培訓、模擬考試、考試指南、白皮書、考試樣題及其他資源。
問:我要如何報名參加 AWS Certification 考試?
答:若要報名考試,請登入 並選取頂端導覽的 Certification (認證)。接著,按一下 AWS Certification 帳號,再點選 Schedule New Exam (安排新考試)。
問:我是未成年,是否符合資格參加 AWS Certification 考試?
答:年齡為 13 到 17 歲的考生若獲得父母或法定監護人同意,即可參加 AWS Certification 考試。如需詳細資訊,請參閱「關於 AWS Certification」索引標籤下的 AWS Certification 常見問答集頁面
最近更新日期 2024-02-09